tirsdag 13. mai 2014

Grunn 1 for å stå på henda

"Not only will handstands make you strong and help improve your balancing abilities, handstands can also make you feel happier, since the blood flow to your brain has an energizing and calming effect, especially when you're feeling really stressed out.

Another way handstands can help your mood is by reducing the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can not only de-stress you in the short-term but could also help relieve minor depression and anxiety."

En natt med lite søvn :/ ikke mye lyst å stå opp, vil sove mer.

Da hjelper det faktisk å stå på henda! I tillegg til at jeg klarer nå å gå ut i "spagaten" gjør det ho enda mer morsomt!! :)

-practice and all is coming 


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